Tag: Tiva launchpad

UT.6.01x : the first Embedded Systems MOOC with hardware requirement

I am happy to announce the launch of UT.6.01x on edX (https://www.edx.org/course/utaustinx/utaustinx-ut-6-01x-embedded-systems-1172). UT.6.01x is an online course (aka MOOC) that serves as an introduction to embedded systems. The teaches students core concepts of embedded engineering on the Tiva Launchpad,  an ARM Cortex M4 micro controller board. The basics of C programming, ARM Thumb2 assembly, blinking

Tiva Launchpad

There’s a new kid on the block, the Tiva LaunchPad TM4C123GXL. It essentially a superset of the Stellaris LaunchPad LM4F120XL. It has all the same functionality, plus PWM, QEI, and USB Host/OTG. All of your old StellarisWare code can run on this board, though there is a new TivaWare library for this board. In effect