In the beginning…

Howdy, welcome to Austin Blackstone Engineering; a website about things and how to make them work with other things.

I am an Electrical / Computer Engineer with a specialty and passion for Embedded Devices & Systems. This website however is not about me, (this website however is ), it is about the cool things that are possible with technology and how to make them work.

In my time spent trying to build things I usually wind up figuring something out that either isn’t well documented, or is so scattered across the intertubes that it is not user friendly. My goal is to generate content that is unique, insightful and helpful.  [And in the inevitable case when it is not unique it will at least be of higher quality than the existing material.]

FULL DISCLOSURE: I am an employee of Texas Instruments, as such I get a lot of exposure to their products and tend to use their products heavily because I have experience with them. That said this website is in no way affiliated with TI nor expresses their opinions or beliefs, this website is strictly a personal effort.