Creating a Launchpad BoosterPack

So, you want to create a BoosterPack for the Launchpad. Sweet, lets get you jump started. First make sure to grab the BlackstoneEngineering eagle library (it has the headers done so you can just drop them into your project). Next let me point you to some handy resources buried within the TI Wiki.

  1. BoosterPack Design Guide – handy general design tips/guidelines and standard pinouts (yes there is a standard, no not everyone follows it like they should)
  2. Build Your Own Board (BYOB) – The design guide done by an engineer not a marketing guy (ie less fluff with better references) (it also happens to be the full spec for boosterpacks)

Things to note:

  • Spacing between headers is crucial to make the BoosterPack fit on the LaunchPad (so use the EagleLibrary I provide and avoid the hassle)
  • There are currently 3 standard layouts, the Stellaris Launchpad uses the 40 pin BoosterPack XL configuration (though not necessarily the same pinout, so make sure to check against the handy dandy pinout diagram)
  • The headers for the Stellaris Launchpad board can be ordered from Part Number SSW-110-23-S-D